Why Sustainable Packaging Matter

From pre-made food, beverages, plastic bottles, to toys, party supplies, cosmetics, and online deliveries. Have you ever stopped to think about the impact all this product packaging has on our environment?

Fun Fact: According to Packola, more than 36 million packages were been shipped every day in the United States alone. It is more than enough to cover the distance between Earth and the moon.

In this blog post, we'll explore why sustainable packaging matters, how it can benefit you, and ultimately, what is the best sustainable solution for packaging in 2024. (Keep reading to find out the answer to this burning question!)

3D loading boxes of product packages onto truck

Why Sustainable Packaging?

Well unfortunately, a lot of traditional packaging are made from non-recyclable plastics and complex materials. A staggering amount of this packaging waste never gets properly disposed of and is a major contributor to landfill waste.

Sustainable packaging is a growing movement focused on reducing this environmental impact. It's about using materials and designs that are kind to the planet throughout a product's lifecycle.

Fun Fact: Out of all the packaging options available such as plastic, glass, bamboo, and others, cardboard packaging is currently the most environmentally friendly packaging option. They are non-toxic, biodegradable, can be recyclable or recycled, and take up less space during transit than any other form of packaging.

But sustainable packaging go beyond just waste reduction. Here are more additional benefits:

  • Less Waste: By using materials that can be recycled, composted, or even reused, you significantly reduce the amount of trash going to landfills.
  • Saving Resources: Sustainable packaging often utilizes recyclable and recycled materials. This reduces the energy and resources required to make brand new materials.
  • Improved Efficiency: Sustainable packaging is designed to minimize the amount of material used, leading to lighter and more efficient transportation.
  • Fresher Products: Some sustainable materials can actually help reduce the growth of bacteria and help food stay fresh longer.

Summary: Most industry produces an enormous amount of plastic packaging waste with most ending up in landfills and oceans. By using sustainable materials that can be recycled, composted, or even reused, we can reduce a significant amount of that waste. This not only benefits the environment but also helps conserve valuable resources.

Sustainable Solutions For Plastic Packaging

We now know that plastic packaging is a major problem, and why sustainable packaging matters. Now let me show you some new and innovative solutions for plastic packaging:

  • Compostable Packaging: This is a very popular form of sustainable packaging. Often derived from plant-based materials such as bagasse, bamboo, or mushroom mycelium, they are lightweight, durable, and can be composted after use.
  • Recycled Plastic: This sustainable method reduces reliance on virgin plastic and keeps plastic waste out of landfills. It also helps to reduce the cost of packaging materials and minimize dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Seaweed Packaging: Derived from seaweed, a fast-growing and renewable resource. It's biodegradable and can even have antimicrobial properties.
  • Bioplastics: Made from renewable resources like corn starch, sugarcane, cellulose, or even algae. These bioplastics can be composted or designed to biodegrade under specific conditions.
  • Water-Soluble Packaging: This innovative packaging is particularly well-suited for single-use items. It dissolves completely in water, eliminating concerns about plastic pollution and microplastics.

Sometimes, the most sustainable solution is simply using less packaging. 

You should buy and support products that have minimalist designs that focus on reducing unnecessary materials and packaging. This approach reduces waste and encourages responsible consumption.

Summary: Sustainable packaging is any type of eco-friendly material used to wrap, store, ship, or shelve products. From plant-based and recycled options to seaweed and water-soluble packaging, there are so many sustainable solutions to ditch plastic packaging.

How You Can Be Part Of The Solution

Fun Fact: The vast majority of food packaging is destined to become garbage. According to TIPA Corp, out of the 141 million tonnes of annual plastic waste, 40% comes from food packaging. 

It is necessary to reflect on the impact our daily choices have on the planet and as consumers, we all have a role to play in promoting sustainable packaging. Here's what you can do to be part of the solution:

  • Choose Buying Products With Less Packaging: Do your research and look for brands that prioritize using eco-friendly or minimal packaging and make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Invest In Reusable Alternatives: Ditch single-use items that require a lot of packaging. And if possible, buy in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging per use.
  • Give Packaging A Second Life: Get creative and repurpose your packaging materials for storage, organization, or craft projects.
  • Talk To Brands: Let businesses know that sustainable packaging matters to you, and you only buy when they offer it. Encourage them to adopt eco-friendly practices.

Summary: Be part of the solution, not the problem. By choosing sustainable packaging for your products, and being part of the solution, you can help reduce waste, microplastics, pollution and contribute to a cleaner, healthier world.

Quick Takeaway

With the staggering amount of waste we generate every single day from product packaging. Sustainable packaging is here to help!

Sustainable packaging is any type of eco-friendly material used to wrap, store, ship, or shelve products. It is all about using materials and designs that are kind to the planet throughout a product's lifecycle.

By making informed choices as a consumer and choosing eco-friendly packaging instead of plastic packaging, we all can work towards a future where our product packaging leaves a lighter footprint on the planet.


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